I am bursting with excitement to share a new twist to Sale-a-Bration that's never been available before! We now have the chance to get our inky fingers on specially designed products that coordinate with Sale-a-Bration reward items.
These limited-time products, like framelits that coordinate with the popular Hello Cupcake stamp set, make your favorite Sale-a-Bration items even better.
No more fussy cutting the adorable frogs from the So Hoppy Together Sale-a-Bration stamp set, just get the coordinating framelits.
I think you can see why I'm so excited by these new coordinating products - check out all the new coordination options below!
Stampin' Up! just released MORE rewards you can earn while supplies last so check them out.

Need more greetings to go with your favourite Sale-a-Bration sets?
The new More Than Words stamp set (#150069) above has a whole selection of greetings that coordinate with the styles and themes of all the Sale-a-Bration stamp sets.
Let me show you what I mean. These projects were created using a Sale-A-Bration free product and a Sale-A-Bration Coordination product.